Saturday, March 16, 2013

OMG Blogger! Really?...

I don't know what has happened, but Blogger seems to be having a 'moment'...

I logged on today, settled aback to catch up on the latest musings in my reading list, only to find this...

So after a few minutes of pinching myself in order to wake up from a bad dream I wasn't having, and staring at the screen with an expression something akin to abject horror, I tried to recreate my reading list which has now been drastically shortened because I have such a crappy memory...

...only to be told by dear Blogger that none of them could be added to my list, could I please try again later!

Doesn't Blogger realise that my brain cells are diminishing as we speak?  That by this time tomorrow it will be of as much use as a bowl full of cold porridge?

Oh well, at least I have the (partial) list that I had managed to recreate... right?  Right??

That would be too easy, the list of blogs that I tried to add - VANISHED TOO!!!

Now I have to try to remember them all over again!

This is not looking promising I have to tell you.  It's really too much to ask on a Saturday.

So, if you're reading this and I normally follow your blog, can you please please post a comment with the link to your blog???

Pretty please with sprinkles...

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